Saturday, May 23, 2009

2009 AAU Graduation Commencement

The commencement was basically 2 hours of standing hell and another 2 hours of sitting hell. It was extremely entertaining for graduates who did not show up and extremely leg-busting-fun for the rest of us who did attend.

This event marks the end of the 19 years of education for me (excluding kindergarten). I got my MFA and I deserve the right to say I'M DONE. NO MORE SCHOOL. It's time to start working finally.

Anyway, here are the pics:

From 2009 Academy of Art University Graduation Commencement

From 2009 Academy of Art University Graduation Commencement

From 2009 Academy of Art University Graduation Commencement

The rest you can find on the links under the pictures. Enjoy~

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