Monday, January 26, 2009

New Year, Birthday, and Chinese New year photos

So I know it's not my bday yet, but since my parents always celebrate my bday in lunar year, that's why I celebrated my 26th bday on the 18th. (different every year....but I never bother to keep track of it since my parents will hehe. ) It's suppose to be 12/25/82 in Lunar Year.

Here is me murdering the cake:

From New Year, Birthday, and Chinese New Year

Follow the link to the rest of the photos.

11 secounds club entry Jan 2009

This is my first entry in 11 seconds club. I've seen a lot of WIP out there for this month's contest and I really look forward to seeing how they turn out.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bus Stop - Work in Progress

A little girl is imitating the guy standing next to her while her mom is looking away.

Since this might end up on my demo reel, I would appreciate any critique from anyone.
