I would like to thank all my friends and family for the support. It has been a tough 3 years and I finally finally passed my thesis final review. Now I just need to wait for my diploma to be mailed in and I'll be officially graduated!
Anyhow, here is the final version of my thesis that I presented this morning:
http://www.willhuanganimator.com/videos/thesisfinal.mov (quicktime file, 54.3mb)
Right click on the link and click on "save target as.." to download the file.
Be sure to have Quick Time installed to watch.
Basically, after the presentation, the commitee told me that they loved the idea and story and it will definitely win in festivals. BUT! I will have to redesign the characters to make them more appealing and the sequences need to be tighter and faster pace.... so that means pretty much do everything ALL OVER.
Yeah...we'll see about that....sounds like another year of work for me ugh... but i'll worry about that later. Now, I'm just going to kick back and relax for couple days before I focus on producing my animation for my demo reel.